Adult Singles Review

adultsingles-mainpage-thumbAdult Singles is a decidedly low-tech operation and ugly to boot. However, they have more than 5 million members so it’s worth consideration as an option for your dating needs, particularly since they advertise it as free. It would be nice if that was the truth, too, but it’s not. Instead, you can join for free but are required to pay if you want to message anyone or read the messages they send you. It’s as far from free as you can get since the main function of a site like this is to message other people. So screw them for even pretending it’s a free site, something they continue to try and do in the member’s area, which is insulting to the intelligence of anyone with a pulse. It costs $25/month to join with a little more for the gold membership, which gives a few useless perks over the regular membership.

Adult Singles sounds like it’s a sex dating site but there’s nothing about it that makes that explicit, which is a negative to me. If you’re in the mood for a casual sex site then you want all the other people to be in the mood for that too. If you want to form a long term relationship there are actual free sites that do that very well for you, so I can’t tell why you’d use a third rate, poorly designed, paid site for that purpose.

The search page will likely be your first stop upon joining Adult Singles. Instead of allowing you to input your zip code you’re required to select a state, and if you wish, a town (or city). Then you can choose the sort of relationship you want (you can only make once choice, instead of clicking multiple choices), and the religion you’d like your partner to practice. There are no other options, annoyingly.

Many of the female profiles seem like fakes. Some of the pictures are recognizable online models and others have been pulled from amateur sites where non nude shots are posted. Much of the profile information seems made up or fake, too. There’s no way to search for only girls that have paid for a membership and would thus be able to answer you emails. That’s inexcusable for a site that’s serious about helping you hook up. They don’t care that you might waste an incredible amount of time.

Adult Singles also seems to be heavily weighted towards Eastern European countries. For instance, if you visit the chat room you’ll see there are five languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, Estonian, and English. Visit the ìsuccess membershipî page (you can pay for an extra expensive membership to show the ladies you’re rich, apparently) and it’s all members from Estonia. Much of the text on the site reads as if it was written by a non-English speaker. Ultimately that doesn’t mean much more than this site is even less useful for English-speaking members than it was before, particularly those in the United States. Just stay way. It stinks.

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