Do Aphrodisiacs Really Work?

Do Aphrodisiacs Really WorkAphrodisiacs are meant to increase your sexual desires. Throughout history any number of foods and drinks have been purported to possess the ability to arouse you and make you desire sex, but there’s a long history of debate and skepticism too. Do Aphrodisiacs really work at improving your sex life? Let’s run through some of the more common foods thought of as aphrodisiacs and see if they are worth giving a try.

Oysters – This is the most commonly talked about aphrodisiac, and with good cause. You’d think that eating something so disgusting (it’s slimy and still alive when you consume it, so yummy) would be an enormous turn off, but there’s something about an oyster that does actually work to stimulate sexual desire. If you’re looking for a way to get your lady in the sack you should order up a big plate along with a glass of wine and suck them down. Just make sure you’re near a bedroom.

Cinnamon – This delicious spice is another winner on the aphrodisiac scale. This isn’t something you just dump down your throat though. Try adding cinnamon to a class of hot cocoa drunk under a blanket in front of a warm fire and your romantic gesture will be doubly arousing. Use it liberally when baking as well and you might find that your sweet treats go a long way towards making your lady a little more amorous.

Truffles – Truffles are supposed to generate feelings of arousal through their smell more than anything but they tend not to get the job done. It’s nice to sniff up that sense of the woods and lumberjacks but it doesn’t trigger the same feelings of desire.

Marshmallow – You can’t buy a bag of the stuff you melt over a fire to make delicious desserts to get the benefits of an aphrodisiac. You need to buy the herb instead, and it’s far more difficult to get your hands on. Plus, it doesn’t have nearly the same effect as previously mentioned food items.

Dark Chocolate – So many wonderful benefits are attributed to this tasty food that you should be eating it no matter what, but it does indeed provide a nice boost to the sexual desire of your lady. She might have to consume quite a bit of it though, and considering how bitter it can be that might be quite the task. Still, if you’re feeding it to her as romantic music plays or a great movie is on she will be puddy in your hands.


Caviar – This one really doesn’t work. It’s gross, it tends to taste really salty, and it’s often prohibitively expensive. However, it might do the trick if you build something romantic around it and if she’s impressed that you spent a lot of money.

Radishes – This veggie isn’t particularly well known as an aphrodisiac and it doesn’t seem to work all that well in generating feelings of desire in a woman. Consuming radishes can provide energy, but that’s not the sexy sort of stuff you’re looking for. You’re better off skipping it, especially since they can do a number on the breath.

Lobster – There’s little proof that eating lobster will get you going. In fact, since most people dip it in butter and it’s often really messy cracking the shell open this can be a turn-off. If you’re covered in lobster juice and feel bloated from all that you ate chances are good the clothes aren’t coming off.

It should be noted that some of the purported aphrodisiacs likely worked because they’re known to be successful in raising sexual desire. Never underestimate the power of the placebo effect. If you incorporate a well known aphrodisiac into a romantic evening you’re absolutely certain to have a night of wonderfully passionate sex.